Find here the most recent presentations and talks that I have given so far. Feel free to contact me to know more about them.
Talks in International Conferences
- “The CMS openstack, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSooooCloud)”, 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 14-18, 2013.
- “Overlay Opportunistic Clouds in CMS/ATLAS at CERN: The CMSooooooCloud in Detail”, OpenStack Summit, Portland, USA, April 15-18, 2013. The recorded talk, with me half jet-laged, can be found here. Alternative locations for the media of the talk can be found in the official site here.
- “The CMS openstack, openvswitch-ed, opportunistic, overlay, online-cluster Cloud (CMSoooooCloud)”, ISGC2013, Taipei, Taiwan, March 17-22, 2013.
- “Big Data Management at CERN: The CMS Example”, DBTA Workshop on Big Data, Cloud Data Management and NoSQL, Bern, Switzerland, October 10, 2012.
- “The CMS Online Cluster: Setup, Operation and Maintenance of an Evolving Cluster”, International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, February 26-March 2, 2012.
- “Quattor in CMS (a CMS for CMS)”, 11th Quattor Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, March 16-18, 2011.
- “The CMS Online Cluster: IT for a Large Data Acquisition and Control Cluster”, Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, March 21-27, 2009.
- “The MAGIC Project Online Software Overview”, Barcelona Dark Energy Survey Collaboration Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, May 17-20, 2006.
- “Ultra Fast FADC Read-Out for the MAGIC Telescope”, DPG Spring Meeting, Dortmund, Germany, March 28-31, 2006.
- “Spectral and temporal properties of the Mkn 501 flare in July 2005”, DPG Spring Meeting, Dortmund, Germany, March 28-31, 2006.
- “Recent Results from the MAGIC Project and Outlook”, International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe, Kashiwa, Japan, February 22-24, 2006.
- “The data acquisition system and trigger configuration of the MAGIC Telescope”, Int. Workshop on “New Generation Cerenkov Telescopes”, BARC Mumbai, India, August 1-2, 2005.
- “The MAGIC Telescope Project. Status and Results”, TeV Particle Astrophysics, Fermilab, Batavia, USA. July 13-15, 2005.
- “Generic Application: Monte Carlo Production for the MAGIC telescope. Status report”, NA4/SA1 meeting, Bologna, Italy, April 6, 2005.
- “IceCube, Not just a grown up AMANDA”, 4a Trobada de Nadal de Física Teòrica a la Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, December 20-21, 2004.
- “The MAGIC Telescope Project. Magic from the stars and from new technologies”, The 3rd International Workshop for Comprehensive Study of the High Energy Universe -Toward Very High Energy Particle Astronomy, ICRR, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan, March 20-22, 2003.
- “Beobachtung der aktiven Galaxie BL Lac mit dem HEGRA Cherenkov-Teleskop CT1 in den Jahren 1997 bis 2001”, Physikertagung 2002, Leipzig, Germany, March 18-22, 2002.
- “The MAGIC Telescope Project. Magic from the stars and from new technologies”, Trobada de Nadal 2001, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, December 20-21, 2001.
- “The MAGIC Telescope Project”, Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources, Vulcano, Italy, May 20-26, 2001.
- “Heavy Charged Higgs Boson Decaying into Top Quark in the MSSM”, RADCOR98, Barcelona, Spain, September 8-12, 1998.
Talks in International Collaboration Meetings
- “The CMSoCloud. Status”, CMS Week, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, July 11th 2013.
- “Status of the CMS online Cloud”, pre-GDB Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, January 15, 2013.
- “Status of the CMS online Cloud”, CMS Offline and Computing Week, Geneva, Switzerland, November 5-9, 2012.
- “Online CMS Cluster: Status, prospects…”, CMS Week 20120625, Geneva, Switzerland, June 25-29, 2012.
- “Online CMS Cluster: Status, prospects…”, Run Coordination Workshop 2011, Madrid, Spain, November 2-4, 2011.
- “Online CMS Cluster: Status, prospects…”, CMS Week 20101206, Geneva, Switzerland, December 5-10, 2010.
- “Online Cluster: Status, prospects…”, CMS Week 20100615, Geneva, Switzerland, June 14-20, 2010.
- “Online Cluster: Status, prospects…”, CMS Week 20100316, Geneva, Switzerland, March 8-14, 2010.
- “Online Cluster: Status, prospects…”, CMS Week 20081209, Geneva, Switzerland, December 7-14, 2008.
- “Online PC Farms for MAGIC-II and Data Transfer, including online analysis for MAGIC-II (stereo)”, MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Tenerife 2005, Tenerife, Spain, October 14-18, 2005.
- “General Computing Onsite”, MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Tenerife 2005, Tenerife, Spain, October 14-18, 2005.
- “Mkn501”, MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Tenerife 2005, Tenerife, Spain, October 14-18, 2005.
- “Data Logistics Now and Future”, MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Tenerife 2005, Tenerife, Spain, October 14-18, 2005.
- “Fast On-Site Data Analysis”, MAGIC Collaboration Meeting, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, February 21-25, 2005.
- “Design of Online Analysis”, MAGIC II Technical Workshop, Filzbach, Switzerland, February 3-4, 2005.
- “Design of Online Computer System”, MAGIC II Technical Workshop, Filzbach, Switzerland, February 3-4, 2005.
- “IceCube Global Trigger, the first year goals & current status”, Icecube/AMANDA Collaboration Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, October 7-13, 2004.
- “The InIce Trigger”, Workshop on DAQ, Trigger Definitions, Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA, September 14-16, 2004.
- “Triggering the Trigger discussions”, Workshop on DAQ, Data Flow and Next Pole Season, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, August 2-3, 2004.
- “Simulating the String Processors and Triggers”, IceCube Simulation Analysis Software Workshop, LBNL, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA, June 28-July 2, 2004.
- “Challenge of high data rates”, MAGIC Physics and Analysis Meeting, Hinterriß, Austria, March 11-16, 2003.
- “MAGIC computing@La Palma”, MAGIC Physics Meeting, Würzburg, Germany, November. 26-30, 2002.
- “MAGIC Network and IT Services standardisation”, MAGIC Software Development Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, June 27-29, 2002.
- “Requirements, ideas for an ultra fast DAQ”, Future Prospects of the MAGIC Project (MAGIC II), Hinterriß, Austria, March 13-16, 2002.
- “Status FADC readout”, MAGIC Telescope Collaboration Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, February 3-6, 2002.
- “The Data Archiving System for MAGIC”, MAGIC Telescope Collaboration Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, February 3-6, 2002.
- “MAGIC Network and IT Services standardisation”, MAGIC Software Development Meeting, Munich, October 9-12, 2001.
- “Status FADC readout (The problems of integration)”, MAGIC Telescope Collaboration Meeting, La Palma, Spain, June 20-26, 2001.
- “The Data Archiving System for MAGIC”, MAGIC Physics and Analysis Meeting, Hinterriß, Austria, March 13-17, 2001.
- “The MAGIC DAQ system: Limits and possible expansion of the DAQ computer system”, MAGIC Triggers and Associated Problems Workshop, Nor-Amberd, Armenia, October 7-12, 2000.
- “Implementation of the DAQ control”, III MAGIC Telescope Software Development Meeting, Hinterriß, Austria, March 15-18, 2000.
Other Talks
- “The MAGIC Telescope Project. Magic from the stars and from new technologies”. University of California San Diego, USA, August 25, 2006.
- “The MAGIC Telescope Project. Magic from the stars and from new technologies”. University of Chiba, Japan, March 19, 2003.
- “Higgs Mass limits”, UAB, May 15, 1996.
- “Calentamiento de plasmas por inducción de corrientes en Tokamaks y Stellarators”, UAB, January 31, 1992.
- “Estudios teóricos de inducción de corriente en plasmas de fusión”. Salamanca, December 5, 1990.